Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm sure you've heard, by now, that Kim Manners died the other day, after a battle with lung cancer. Kim was one of the masters behind Supernatural, and it seems many lives will not be the same now.

A collection has been taken up for a donation in his memory to the American Cancer Society. You can donate here. SciFi Chicks has several related posts and links, as well.

Art and life connect, it seems, as tonight's episode of Supernatural was in memory of two people whose names I didn't recognize. I'm sure I'll be able to find the connection somewhere. And that is mirrored by the airing of the second of two of the saddest episodes of the show in all four seasons.

It's Tanya's turn to do a recap/review of the episode at Supernatural Sisters. As the post is likely to be up soon, and will, without a doubt, be tremendously better than I could do with this tired brain, I'll just send you over there for deep discussion.

But I do want to say that even though the age difference did bug me slightly, and I couldn't really buy Colin Ford as old enough to be in high school, it turned out to be really irrelevant. Both Ford (young Sam) and Brock Kelly (young Dean) did an incredible job channeling their older counterparts. Kelly seems to have watched a lot of the show and mimicked Jensen as Dean subtly, so it wasn't caricature, but clearly, so we could see and hear Dean.

Ford had more of a challenge. I mean, he comes up to Jared's, what, knees? There's far too much discrepancy for him to mimic Jared as Sam. But he was impressive in providing the essence of the character. Despite being a runt, picked on and dealing with being "a freak," he had a self-possession and attitude that was very Sam Winchester. My favorite moment of the show was when the fear and discomfort in his eyes clicked over to burning determination when Dirk asked if he wanted to take Barry's place.

Bravo, young men. Bravo.


MJFredrick said...

I think both young actors were fantastic! It was a really good episode. My heart broke when the teacher asked Sam if he WANTED to go into the family business and he said, "No one's ever asked me that before."

But even young Sam would know better than to write about killing a werewolf!

Trish Milburn said...

I agree with MJ. Also, that last scene when the teacher asked Sam if he was happy -- the look on Sam's face.

Natalie J. Damschroder said...

I know! It was heartbreaking!

But even though Sam ended up in the family business anyway, he got to make choices. He got to get away for a while. He is very different from what he would have been if that teacher hadn't taken that moment to talk to him.

As for the werewolf thing, it felt like a spark of rebellion, like there's always been a part of him that DIDN'T feel like a freak, that was proud of what they did even if he also hated it, and the essay was a safe way to show that.

Poor conflicted Sam. :(